Dr. Praveer Agarwal is an Executive Director – Interventional Cardiology at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi and is a nationally renowned cardiologist who has contributed extensively to the growth, development and training in the field of Interventional Cardiology in India. He is dedicated to provide compassionate and comprehensive treatment with an aim to serve the community at large.He is one of the most versatile interventional cardiologists in India providing round the clock services, including timely management of acute heart attack patients by using various thrombectomy devices at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute. He is an expert in treating all types of blockages in coronary arteries using all techniques (Rotational atherectomy, directional atherectomy, all types of Drug Eluting Stents, intravascular ultrasound, pressure wire) depending upon merits of blockages. He is also an expert in treating blockages in peripheral arteries (Carotids, subclavious, iliacs, renals and superficial femoral arteries) and abdominal aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent grafts.Dr. Agarwal has been a distinguished faculty member in various international and national meetings and conferences. He has published approximately 100 articles, reviews and abstracts in various national and international journals.
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